For many months, we’ve been working toward adding free medical services.
Adding medical services brings with it a process of decisions about:
- Our specific calling as a ministry
- Our philosophy of ministry
- The need to strengthen our structure to be a stronger foundation for a more complex ministry
For the past 15 years, we’ve offered our patients referrals for free ultrasounds because we know it’s a powerful tool. Over the last few years, we’ve recognized that sending our patients to another provider resulted in:
- The inability to get our patients in immediately for an ultrasound was an increasing problem. The latest statistics say that a woman in an unexpected pregnancy will make her decision within 24 hours of finding out she’s pregnant.
- The inability for our patients to have a follow up conversation with a trained advocate immediately following her ultrasound. Not being able to provide the ultrasound ourselves at the time of the pregnancy test diminished the impact of the services.
As a ministry, we have ardently sought God’s direction on how to remain connected with the women God has called us to serve. In February of 2014, the Board voted to go forward with expanded medical services in order to more effectively serve local women and men experiencing unexpected pregnancy. In June of 2014, the Board hired a company to train us on the medical conversion process, and we began the process of becoming a medical clinic. That process has included:
- Receiving a full organizational assessment and customized expansion plan
- Receiving board and staff training
- Sharpening the ministry’s focus
- Strengthening our infrastructure
- Pursuing funding and building up a reserve
- Formulating our structure, policies, and procedures
- Finding medical volunteers and staff
- Dr. Teresa Durbin has joined us as our volunteer medical director!
- We still need:
- A doctor to read the ultrasound scans (volunteer position)
- An RN to be our on-site Nurse Manager (paid part-time position)
God has guided us through an extensive process of changes! Some of those changes include:
- Incorporating basic medical services to our current patient services
- We now have volunteer nurses who meet with patients at the time of their pregnancy test
- This allows us to address medical needs and questions in addition to their emotional, mental, and social needs
- Finding an appropriate medical location
- Negotiating a lease for that location
- Renovating that location to suite our clinic’s needs
- Changing our name from “Pregnancy Care Center”(PCC) to “Pregnancy Medical Clinic” (PMC) in order to better reflect our services
- Identifying an appropriate name for our expanding patient services
- After an extensive research process, we believe the Lord led us to the name:
- After an extensive research process, we believe the Lord led us to the name:
God has led us through numerous trials, challenges, and difficulties. It has been an amazing and challenging journey to reach this point. We are getting close to finishing our renovations, and expect to be able to move into our clinic sometime in September.
In order to make that possible, check out the list of volunteer opportunities we have at our new clinic! We would love your help as we get ready to open our PMC ministry!
Great News!
It’s Time to Get the Clinic Ready!
As you’ve likely heard, the PMC ministry (formerly the PCC), has leased a location for our new Medical Clinic, and it’s time to get the clinic ready to see women in unexpected pregnancies. We’re doing several small renovation projects and in order to help stretch the resources God has given us, we are needing volunteers to help us during days, evenings, or weekends.
Might you have any time in the next 3 weeks or know someone who would like to help us?
Volunteers Are Needed For:
- Receiving weekly emails and praying for specific needs
- Coming to the clinic and praying on-site
- Removing cabinets
- Capping off plumbing
- Cleaning, vacuuming, dusting, washing windows
- Hauling away construction trash
- Taking donations to Salvation Army or Habitat for Humanity’s Re-Store
- Professional carpet cleaning
Counter Tops:
- Prepping counter tops
- Helping re-laminate counter tops
- Removing linoleum cove around edges of bathroom floors
- Leveling floors with embossing compound
- Installing new laminate flooring
- Prep for carpeting
- Mudding, patching, and sanding in prep for painting
- Taping woodwork, trim, and wood
- Painting
- Installing a new hallway “crash door”
- Installing a new emergency light, Exit Sign
Companies who might give us a discount on:
- Outdoor signage
- Lawn mowing and snow plowing services
- Garbage services